Friday, June 8, 2012

Chaos COTD 8/6/2012

Hi all. Here's a post in the morning for once.

Today's COTD is still from '&' -Sora no Mukou de Sakimasu you ni-
She's Renjou Yae and you guys might be in for a bit of a shock after this. This being the 1st COTD showing a definite partner material Character for the series.

Her abilities are as follows:

[Entry Cost] Send 1 '&' -Sora no Mukou de Sakimasu you ni- Friend to the Waiting Room.
Auto(Turn 1)= When this card is selected as the Attack Character, draw a card.
Main(Partner)(Turn 1)= [Place 1 Character card from your Hand to the Waiting Room]. Choose an <Elessar> Set from the Waiting Room and set it to this card without cost.

This seems pretty normal right? Well just wait until you see what's after that.

The 2nd part of today's COTD shows the Set card Elessar.

It's effects are:
[Set Cost] Place 3 cards from your Hand to the Waiting Room.
Continuous= The Renjou Yae that this card is set to gains the following ability {Auto= When this Character has been selected as the Attack Character and has done enough battle damage to an opponent's Character to put that Character to Face Down, deal 2 damage to your opponent. This ability activates even when Face Down.}

OMG!This effect tops it all off. I was pretty surprised myself when I saw this. Not only is the Stat growth very high, the effect is really jaw-dropping. What's more, with Yae's effect, you change the 'Drop 3 cards as Cost' to only 1 Character card. This is forgoing [Trample] for deck burn.(We might be in for a much bigger surprise later on though)

Right off the bat we get such an awesome combo so I'm really looking forward to what else this series has in-store XD

Elessar's effect on a Chara( Beethoven does 2 dmg on Atk)
Similar effect though Tsubame has no specific set(Drop 2 free equip any set from Waiting Room)
An effect that activates when you face down an opp's Chara.(Face Up one other Chara at end of your Battle Phase)

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