Saturday, June 9, 2012

MBC Introduction #4 Deck Building

To help you guys make a deck, here are the key fundamentals. MBC has different characteristics for different types of colours as in Weiss Schwarz. Like so, its good if you choose a characteristic of the colour that suits your playstyle! Look out guys, a HUGE TEXT pile is coming up!

-RED cards are good for attacking;
They demonstrate the harsh power levels.

-GREEN cards are good for early deployment;
They usually abuse Jump Power alot for abilities.

-WHITE cards are good at defense;
They have effects like you don't need to down this character when you are Blocking. (Vigilance)

-PURPLE cards cause disruption and interference in the field; 
Cards that cause disadvantages to your opponent.

-BLUE cards are used to move to certain areas for an advantage;
When some blue cards get retired, they go to your Energy Zone instead of Trash. Energy Zone and Trash Control.

-BLACK cards are contain Anti-Miracle effects but you only may have 1-5 of them.
Abilities like if opponent triggers a Miracle, all your characters are set to Ready. (Stand all Charas) sad part is they don't work very well with other cards and usually have a Stand-Alone ability.

Do keep the characteristics of the colour in mind when making decks. It is also possible to mix other series to form a strong Colour-Based decks. Here is a basic deck construction range:

So you need help in getting the numbers for "How much Cost 1 will I need?" and etc? Here is a rough table:

ACTION CARDS: 4 ~ 8 types
DRAMATIC CARDS: 2 ~ 4 types
CHARACTER CARDS COST 1:  8 ~ 9 types
CHARACTER CARDS COST 2:  2 ~ 4 types
CHARACTER CARDS COST 3:  4 ~ 8 types
CHARACTER CARDS COST 4-5:  4 ~ 8 types
CHARACTER CARDS COST 6 onwards:  2 ~ 4 types

Now you will need to find an Ace Card that will become the decisive factor of your victory! An Ace Card is usually the choice card of players with a very strong BP or destructive power. Ace Cards are usually the Ultra-Rare SR cards to Omega Rare cards to Super Omega Rare cards of their favorite character that's usually a Cost 5 and above card. When it is played, Your Ace Card should be able to block most sorts of attack without losing at the BP Battle. It will also give your opponents a scare to block these cards.

When the Ace Card is out, an attack from your Ace Card will be called as a FINISHER. A term that is used as a trend frequently in MBC as "FINAL TURN" in Vanguard (Although FINAL TURN is called at the beginning of that player's turn)

After deciding your Ace Card, you will need to select cards that can last you in Mid-Game. Since the cost of the Ace Card is high, you will need to select a few more cards that's Cost 1 to Cost 2. By doing so you can manage to execute a couple of attacks and be able to block a few with them. Also do take note that Cost 1s and Cost 2s are quite easy to find since their Rarities are usually Commons and Uncommons.

...But I despise a card of lower cost!

If you compare a higher cost card to the lower cost card,  the higher cost will indeed have large BP gaps. while a low cost card has a strong ability. Depending on how you use that card effectively in your deck. In fact, there should be many low cost cards in your deck. Take for example the card below:

(2) "Crane Hermit [DB01-03]
0JP - Lv.1: BP 1000
2JP - Lv.2: BP 4000

"Crane Hermit" DB01-03 is of Cost 2. This card is referred to as a Vanilla card since it has no abilities in it. However there is effect that has not taken place as of yet. By having 2 Jump Power, this character will be Level 2 in which its' BP will be at 4000, enough power to start an early offence. An example of a useful Cost 2 card is below:

(2) "Tin" [TR01-20]
0JP - Lv.1: 2000
2JP - Lv.2: 3000
4JP - Lv.3: 4000

As you can see it has the ability that when it blocks, this chara's BP will increase by 3000. In other words, when this character blocks, its' base BP of 2000 will rise to BP 5000 which is incredibly huge for a early game character. Also for every 2 turns of stacking Jump Power on it, the BP increase by 1000! This is the sort of defensive card you are looking for!


Once you've decided the cards you want to place in your deck from Step 1 to 4, lets consider the amount of cards to put by calculating Cost per Amount. Which after you can proceed for a smooth game.

Considering you want a 40-Card Deck:

Cards of Cost 1 - 2 = 20 cards.
Cards of Cost 3 - 4 = 10 cards.
Cards of Cost 5 > = 10 cards.
Total cards in Deck = 40 cards.

If you are looking for a certain card to build the deck and are lost, you can visit the Card List Database on the official MBC Site. This section of Deck Building has come to an end. Thank you for reading up patiently. Most of the Deck Building guide is taken from the MBC Site and translated here for your understanding. My next guide will be on the mechanics of Once Piece. See you then!


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